Avocent Matrix MXT5110 DVI Transmitter

Avocent Matrix MXT5110 DVI Transmitter | FrontView
Avocent Matrix MXT5110 DVI Transmitter | FrontView
Avocent Matrix MXT5110 DVI Transmitter | RearView
Avocent Matrix MXT5110 DVI Transmitter | LeftSideView
Avocent Matrix MXT5110 DVI Transmitter | UnpackedBox
Avocent Matrix MXT5110 DVI Transmitter | FeatureInfographics

The Avocent Matrix is ideal for demanding applications such as broadcast, post-production, traffic control, military command and control infrastructure, medical and control centers.


  • Multi-User Access Avocent Matrix provides up to hundreds of users with non-blocked access to connected servers and equipment, allowing for multi-user access at​ any time.
  • Scalable, Expandable Architecture Thousands of devices can be connected through cascading and expanding the system is easy to implement.
  • Intuitive Administration Through the web interface or Matrix Manager software, a single management system allows you to manage devices, users, and peripherals. Advanced features also exist to establish macros, event notification, high availability, and external API access.
  • High Performance Video, Audio, and USB Remotely access applications with a exceptional USB, audio, and resolution up to 1920 x 1200.

Brochures and Data Sheets

Specification Documentation
